Seminar: Seminare.EIM: Boolean Reasoning and Beyond - Details

Seminar: Seminare.EIM: Boolean Reasoning and Beyond - Details

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Räume und Zeiten

Mittwoch, 18.10.2017 11:00 - 12:00
(A 0.19 & ab 13 Uhr A 0.18.1)
Donnerstag, 16.11.2017, Donnerstag, 23.11.2017, Donnerstag, 30.11.2017, Donnerstag, 14.12.2017, Donnerstag, 18.01.2018 11:00 - 13:45


Seminar language: German and English Time slots: Will be fixed once all participants are known. Contents: Boolean Reasoning has proven to be a powerful tool for solving many tough practical verification problems, e.g., for software and hardware. This is mainly due to rigorous underlying theory and - even more so - due to cautiously engineered proof engines, most dominantly solvers for Boolean Satisfiability. The seminar will review application aspects, proof engines, and beyond Boolean reasoning open the perspective to more advanced more recent procedures. Based on original research papers each participant will give a talk and submit a report. Both steps will be supervised by the lecturers.


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